Media about us

VIDEO+ AUDIO : Video of ELA KENYA building process 2020-2023 (Eng)  (Slo) Video of ELA’s Malawian and Kenyan projects (Eng) (Slo) Videos of Jana’s book The warm heart of Africa(orders on 44pages of the book The warm heart of Africa (order on Vaš kanal- Personality of January 2024 Radio Ognjišče January 2024 Vaš […]

Volunteering at ELA centre Kenya, May 2024

Darling Slovenian students Kaja and Josefina came to ELA Kenya in May 2024 and assisted me with starting programs at ELA centre for children with special needs (learning diffeicuties) from nearby public school Kathuriri. During weekdays they were running classes at ELA and also became assistant teachers in public school Kathuriri. During weekends they expored […]

Distribution of useful gifts in the 2nd semester

Hi dear godparents, this was the letter I wrote to ELA’s sponsors in APRIL 2024. Kenya and Malawi are experiencing a heavy rainy season, in Malawi more than 3/4 of the country has been affected by floods and the situation is getting worse by the minute. Even in Kenya, we have daily evening downpours, which washed […]

When nets save lives (1st presents in 2024 for ELA’s sponsored kids)

In the beginning of January we started a new school year, which will last until the end of November. Upon arrival at school, the children received results of the final tests, which were written in the last week of November. Thanks to ELA’s daily workshops, where even 200 of them are given additional training every […]

Newest progress at ELA KENYA with video and all volunteers are welcome

We spent 4 years building and doing our best to grow the new ELA KENIYA center for children with special needs and a music and film school, with rooms for volunteers, an office, toilets, bathrooms, two kitchens where we will cook meals for the children at our workshops . Deepest Appreciation to the company Svet […]

Čaroben večer z Jano, Zgodba Srca v Afriki! 

Čaroben večer z Jano Dular Wang’ombe: Zgodba Srca v Afriki! Danes smo imeli priložnost gostiti Jano Dular Wang’ombe, ki nas je povsem očarala. Njena zgodba Afrike je neverjetna in ni pustila ravnodušnega poslušalca med nami. Ravno za ta čaroben čas, saj njena zgodba ni nič kaj drugega kot: čarobna.  Jana je izjemna ženska – mama, […]

Toplo srce Afrike-javna predavanja v decembru in januarju po SLO

Afriška jutra drugače dišijo, afriško sonce in nebo sta drugače ožarjena in življenje tam pušča ostrejše sledi. Za ljudi, ki Afriko gledajo od daleč, je to črna, suha, uboga in revna celina, polna vojn in bolezni. Za tiste, ki so ji odprli srce, pa je prelepa … polna naravnih sobivanj, srčnih ljudi širokih nasmehov in […]

Sponsors gifts for the third time this year, sandals are a double blessing

In Malawi, on 8.9. ended the 3-week vacation, during which we entertained the children at the Ela Centre with holiday workshops full of sports games on the beach and in front of the center, with drawing workshops, with extra English learning and repetition of mathematics and the Chichewa language. September marked the beginning of the […]

Look at this tangible joy;Distribution of gifts in the 2nd school semester

Hi ELA’s friends, how are you?After a 3-week vacation (ELA’s centre was, of course, in operation and my team ran the holiday workshops all the time), Malawian children went to school again, as the 2nd semester began. During the holidays, my teachers did a survey among parents and most of them asked if their children […]

Building process of ELA’s Music and Film school in Kenya

The New year od 2023 brought new success and new faith that all will be achieved as planned.  We have started with building of the last structure within ELA Kenya Educational centre; the music and film school for village children and youth who never before had a chance to play instruments, learn about singing, recording, […]
